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  • Dog-Gone-Pooh, LLC

Bracing for the Chill: Keeping Your Dogs Safe and Comfortable in Cold Weather

dog with coat and paw shoes in snow

As the temperature drops and we layer up, it's crucial to remember that our canine companions also feel the chill. Cold weather can pose several risks to dogs, but with the right precautions, you can ensure they stay safe and comfortable.

Understanding Your Dog’s Cold Tolerance

Different dogs have varying levels of cold tolerance. Breeds with thick, double coats like Huskies are more cold-resistant, while short-haired breeds, small dogs, and puppies may need extra warmth. Knowing your dog's limits is key.

Tips for Cold Weather Care

1. Cozy Clothing

Consider sweaters or coats for dogs that seem to get cold easily. This is especially important for short-haired breeds or older dogs who may struggle to regulate their body temperature.

2. Paw Protection

Cold weather can lead to dry, cracked paws. Dog booties can protect their paws from salt and ice. Also, regularly check their paws for signs of cold-weather injury or damage.

3. Outdoor Time

Shorten your dog’s walks in extremely cold weather and keep them leashed, as dogs can lose their scent and get lost in snow and ice.

4. Indoor Comfort

Provide a warm, cozy place away from drafts for your dog to rest inside your home. If it’s too cold for you, it’s likely too cold for your dog.

5. Hydration and Nutrition

Dogs burn more energy trying to stay warm in winter, so they may need more food or water. Ensure they have access to unfrozen, clean drinking water.

Special Considerations

Senior Dogs and Cold Weather

Older dogs may suffer more in the cold, as it can exacerbate arthritis. Keep a close eye on their comfort levels and consult your vet for advice on winter care.

The Importance of Cleanup

Snow and ice can make it easy to overlook dog waste cleanup, but it’s crucial for health and hygiene. Consider a professional pooper scooper service to maintain a clean and safe environment.


Cold weather requires us to take additional care of our furry friends. By understanding your dog's needs and taking appropriate measures, you can ensure they stay happy and healthy throughout the winter season.

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